Wednesday, July 22, 2009


We are learning how to brush our teeth.... its been a long process . She has never let me do it easily.... so we are trying a little "relinquish the control" method! She seems to be doing a better job than I can ( and I was able to do her hair!)

My Little Monkey

My little monkey figured out how to climb out of her crib and was making it very effortless...... so it's time for a toddler bed, lucky for me.....her was a convertable. Down went the bars, up went the baby gate on the door. Otherwise, I would catch her watching tv in the living room!

Danielle Graduated 6th grade!

Danielle just graduated 6th grade, we are now getting ready for Jr. High.... my how time has flown! I can't possibly be old enough for a 7th grader! Here is a few graduation pictures for all who could not be with us.


We are working on hairdo's but Noah doesn't like to cooperate! This is one of the neater creations!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Skinny Dipping

I bought Noah a pool to keep cool in during the summer time. Last week hit was getting pretty warm around here so we decided to try them out. She decided that she didn't want a swim suit and she wasn't having a swim diaper....She wanted to "splash" as she calls it like she does in the house so I thought what a great photo op and now I have blackmail pictures for when she is older!

Easter Sunday

Every year my mother has Easter Brunch at her house to celebrate Jesus and all he has done for us. We have a nice breakfast with the whole family and then we have an easter egg hunt in the back yard. We have been growing very rapidly over the last few years, and it was nice for so many of our kids to get to play together and enjoy the day.

Catching up as requested- this craziness commonly refered to as my life

So this is my cat Mikey..... he is such a strange creature. His best friend is a large racoon that comes out at night. They hang out and Mikey lets him eat out of his cat dish and everything....... until one night something went south. This is my feeble attempt at "fixing" the cat myself. Well we ended up in the vet and 2 hundred dollars, 1 surgery, and 10 days of medication later. He's friend with the Racoon again....and now there are 2 of them instead of just one.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Danielle earned the highest honor her school offers. The Suma Cum Lade award for her star testing scores. She scored above average on all of her tests. Her school had a desert only awards assembly where all the kids had to dress us real nice and were given wonderful Metals.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Little Houdini

So Noah learned a new trick today. She just learned how to climb in a chair or on the couch a few days ago and I thought that was bad....especially when she fell on her head on my tile floor. Today, she did her new trick....she climbed out of her crib! 16 months old, I knew she was going to keep me on my toes but I thought I had a little more time before this! So now the I change her bed to a toddler bed so she doesn't get hurt... ( and I no longer get any sleep) or do I buy a net for the top of the crib.....

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Mashed potatoes

I got a reminder why you should never take for granted your child locked in a high chair. I thought I had a few minutes to get something done while Noah ate her dinner..... to my surprise, she made sure that I will watch her closely. She decided she was no longer hungry so she decided to entertain herself..... who says mashed potatoes don't work well as styling gel.

Daddy Doll

I have always been blessed with wonderful people in my life. All with big hearts and lots of love for me and my children. One of those people is Ashley, my cousin's wife. She made my baby a "daddy doll" so that she could have some part of her daddy while he's in Iraq. I really apreciate her and what she's done for my baby. I wanted to share pictures of the doll.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

pray for our troops

Zach left last week for his 3rd tour. As my husband spends the next year in Iraq, I request prayers for him and all other soldiers away from their families and in danger. Lift up the children they left behind as they didn't choose to be without their fathers.

Prayers needed- Urgent

My friend Kerri delivered little Avery Elizabeth really early. She weighs 1 lb. 9 oz and is 13 inches long. Although she is doing really well, they both need many prayers from us. So I am requesting all that read this or know her pray for them!